Andria Arie

Natural Stone Disclosure / Disclaimer

All of our gemstones are real natural stones that vary in color, texture and pattern. We make every effort to keep our stone colors consistent. However, all stones may not be exactly as shown on the website. Stones may appear lighter, darker or have natural variations due to varied conditions in nature. This is important to keep in mind if you are purchasing multiple pieces of jewelry with the same stone selection.

Large percent of colored gemstones in the market are treated in some way to enhance the color of the stone. They are usually heat or color treated. Whether treated through heat or dyed, we provide the specific treatment information for each type of our gemstones.

We also provide information on the metaphysical properties associated with each gemstone. These properties were gathered from a number of resources including books and online articles. The sole purpose of this information is to provide an interesting backstory for each type of gemstone. However, we do not guarantee the validity of any of this information and do not recommend using this information for treatment of any medical (physical or psychological) conditions.


All the gemstones we currently offer are natural untreated stones except for the Black Onyx, which are color treated.